
Health and Safety

Please familiarize yourself with Christian Wee Learn Center policies outlined below.

Shot Records:

To protect all the children in our center we require that your child be vaccinated before starting the center. We will NOT accept a religious note exempting your child from obtaining the required shots. You must provide an up to date shot record for your child before you start the center

Sick Children

If your child displays any of these symptoms please keep him/her at home for the safety and health of all children and staff. If we observe these symptoms at the center, you will be called to pick him/her up.

  • Diarrhea (with no known cause)
  • Difficulty or rapid breathing
  • Severe upper respiratory infection
  • Vomiting
  • Yellowish skin and/or eyes
  • Temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
  • Undiagnosed rash
  • Sore throat
  • Severe cough
  • Chicken pox, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, impetigo, diphtheria or herpes simplex
  • Scabies, tinea corporis or capitis (ringworm)
  • Ear ache
  • Head lice
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

Some, but not all of these conditions require medical attention before returning to child care. Parents must notify Christian Wee Learn staff if children have been exposed to any communicable disease. Children will be sent home if signs of illness are apparent.

If your child has a prescription, you should bring the original container with the pharmacy label to your child’s teacher and fill out a Medicine form each day you want the medication to be administered. We do not keep Children’s Tylenol here, however, you may bring it and complete a Medicine form and we will administer that to your child. Tylenol will not be given to keep a fever down. If a child arrives after having a dose of Tylenol but fever goes up again in 4 hours, the child will be sent home. Fever indicates that the body is fighting infection and Tylenol only masks this condition. Children should not return to child care until he/she is fever free for at least 24 hours. Expired medicines or prescriptions prescribed for someone other than your child will not be given under any circumstances.